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Carrie's heart

Image by il vano
Home: Welcome

God shows up....every single time

Two weeks ago, when I wrote, it was a hard day. It was a hard write, and a hard read I'm sure. And I wrote that Sunday morning. I then...

I know what's coming....

I wish I could say all the good things; that I've moved into the time for joy, that the time for mourning is over, that I'm feeling so...

God is Greater...

11 months today. I read on Facebook, a friend who is 23 years on this path... I remember that service. I was there. Pregnant with...

Learning Grace...

I'm learning grace. Many of what I've learned, is through Andrea. But I'm still processing that lesson. Today, I'm giving myself grace....

Please Pray...

I don't know how to feel right now. I'm not sure I'm going to post this, but part of me wants to call all of my praying friends to pray....

I carried you for 9 months...twice...

I wrote this last Thursday, August 11. 9 months. It's been 9 months. For 9 months I carried you in my belly. I was your source of food,...

I'm not who I was...

My emotions are mixed right now. Well, mixed is an understatement. Eight months into this journey, and the waves just keep hitting....

Fields of Daisies

Today is a good day. It's Friday. I made it. It's been a week with a few empty hours. I don't do well with a lack of structure...

My PFDs....

It's been awhile. That's been deliberate. The summer starts a whole new ballgame and I'm a little bit nervous. Ok- I'm actually quite...

31 years....

I haven't wanted to write this week. Emotions overwhelm me. I grieve. I'm angry. I grieve for others. I grieve for me. I'm angry for...

The day I was unzipped....

It's been over 6 months. It's been a rough couple of weeks. Emotions that I'm actually unfamiliar with. Feelings I don't know how to...

To the Whitworthian Community

Hello Whitworth Students and Staff, I am Carrie Sorensen. I am Andrea Sorensen's mother. I will be forever grateful for the tribute you...

Is it getting any easier?

Last night, a friend asked how I was doing. "Is it getting any easier?" Actually, no. And I'm surprised. "But the intensity? Is it...

I skipped Mother's Day....

I did. I just skipped it. I did let my mom know, on Thursday, that I loved her- but I was skipping it. She understood. I stayed off...

There is still joy in this journey...

A friend sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers today. She said, "There is still joy in this journey." I needed that reminder. Again, my...

Are the memories worth the pain?

Yesterday was a great day. A ride in the warmth of the sun, with wonderful company. My husband behind me, and one of my students with...

Learning to Lament

A dear friend texted me a few weeks ago; "I love you in the light, I love you just as much in the dark." I don't know if I love me in the...

All I wanted to hear was the sun in the waves

Rob and I were gifted a trip last week; a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean with his parents and siblings. It was a gift, but one I wasn't...

Intentionally in the present

There is a fine line, and I cross back and forth every day, or even hour. I live in a past with Andrea's smile, and her laugh, her...

"It was a special thing to be loved by Andrea"

She chose her friends not from what she needed, but who needed her. And she loved with 110%...always. She gave her whole heart to...

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