I haven't wanted to write this week. Emotions overwhelm me. I grieve. I'm angry. I grieve for others. I grieve for me. I'm angry for others. I'm angry for me.
Facebook disappoints me. But then it makes me smile.
Society robs our youth. But yet, we get a glimpse of the gifts it gives.
I've been so blessed in my life. I have not had death impact me personally much. I've lost grandparents. I lost an uncle. I am luckier than most.
I grieve with the community that has so many families dealing with the loss of their children...and spouses...and parents.
You, as our community, held me in your prayers. You reached out. You texted. You gave financially. You sent gifts. You prayed.
Most of all you prayed.
I've been hit with the power of prayer this week. It's not the last thing we do, but the first.
Before you respond to a post, pray.
Before you lobby a position, pray.
Before you react, pray.
You held me, and continue to hold us, with your prayers. I can personally attest; they are powerful.
Praying is the biggest, most important thing we can do. It unleashes heaven's gates. It sets the angels lose to fight on our behalf. And, it softens our hearts. It gives us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to love.
But, we live in a broken world. My heart is saddened.
And yet, I look back at my life.
Today, marks 31 years married to a man who has become my best friend.
Today, marks a relationship that has only grown stronger through adversity.
Today, marks 31 years of mutual respect, joy, and commitment.
Before there was Andrea, there was Michael & David.
Before there was Michael & David, there was David.
Before David, there was Rob & Carrie.
Occasionally, I need to be reminded of that. Rob & Carrie fell in love in a broken world.
We grew an incredible family. And, yet, that family is continuing to grow, in spite of the broken. Life did not end with the loss of Andrea. There is a hole, a void that will never be filled.
But, Life is good. Really good. Riding the trails with my husband...I'm looking forward to it. Rob says I light up when I get to see my boys ; )
And their wives.
And of course, the cutest grandbaby anyone has ever seen!
There is so much to find joy in.
And anyway, this is just temporary housing. It's pretty good temporary housing, but Heaven's looking better and better.
I'm torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But, for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live. Philippians 1:23-24