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Carrie's heart

Image by il vano
Home: Welcome

Beauty from Ashes

The emptiness remains, but, the razor sharpness of loss is dulling. What is shocking though, is the vast presence her absence leaves. It...

My toolbelt feels lacking....

I hit a milestone last week. I was wondering when it was going to happen. It was the 3-month date. I switched from tracking time in...

Finding God's Faithfulness

I've always thought my Jesus story was kind of boring...No lightning bolts, no rebellious youth turning to God...It seems I've always...

I can't save, but God can

This is a hard conversation. I'm struggling with reconciling the act of suicide, and my amazing daughter. This is so hard. It's not just...

New Normal...not normal

Well, I went from Thursday morning, until Wednesday night, during worship, without crying. That's a long time. In 11 weeks...that felt...

There's room for both

I'm struggling. Maybe it's the let-down from meeting Sailor. Maybe I'm beginning my third month without Pandi. Maybe it's...grief. But,...

To my village...

To the Village who helped us raise our children; the Village who holds us now... I'm sorry. I know your response, but I still need to say...

I have felt joy again!

Again, I began the day with tears...but today, a trail of joyous tears stream my face. What a I've missed for awhile. Joy....

A Daddy's Heart

I want to be mad at Andrea, but my heart hurts too much with love and loss...I can't even be mad. Is this how our Father feels? I have...

Jesus is the Reason...

I'm driven by choices. I'm very conscious of my choices right now, probably more so than I ever have been. Today, I choose... I'm still...

The Right Mom....

I have had no desire to write to you, but today, I do. I NEED to write to you once a week. I feel it. It is necessary for me. It is...


Today, is Thursday. Four weeks ago, my reality was shifted so suddenly, I couldn't breath. As Rob and I held each other in worship last...

Her story, my story....can I separate them?

Today is hard....Rob says I'm overthinking...more than likely. So, today I write to you. As I said, I'm an external processor so...

I have so many whys....

So, I've been told a couple of things recently... First, there are no rules... Second, from my brother, never change who I am. So, I...

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