The emptiness remains, but, the razor sharpness of loss is dulling.
What is shocking though, is the vast presence her absence leaves. It is mind boggling how big absence feels. How tangible it is...
Wednesday night at church, as we cried through worship, Rob had a vision. He saw Jesus, in front of us, wiping our tears saying, "I am right here."
Remember when your kids were little, sobbing uncontrollably, hurt, lost, scared; all of those.
As parents, just holding them saying, "It's ok, I'm right here."
And somehow, that calmed the fears, the hurt.
No matter what it is, I am here.
He is here. Right with us. Wiping our tears. Feeling our pain.
Somehow, someway, miraculously, it is going to be ok. We will survive. And not just survive, but flourish....somehow.
Isaiah 43:18-19
But forget all is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
You will make something beautiful from the ashes.
You must.
You promised.