I'm driven by choices. I'm very conscious of my choices right now, probably more so than I ever have been.
Today, I choose...
I'm still trying to decide.
I want to choose joy, but it's hard.
Andrea bought herself a necklace, and she rarely bought herself jewelry.
It says, "Jesus is the reason for the season."
That's what she wanted to remember at Christmas.
We all make choices, some good, some bad, and some leave wreckage that is irreversible.
But, God came down in the innocence of a baby. In that gurgle that just makes you light up. That smile that says all is well with my soul....
And it is.
And God smiled, even with the painful knowledge of what was to come; of our choices, and the wreckage.
He knew the pain would bring redemption. He knew the whole picture.
He beamed with pride, layered with grief.
That's how I feel.
So, I choose joy, layered with sorrow.
I sing Feliz Navidad with exuberance one moment, and tears of grief the next.
I choose....both.
I will stop by the Safeway and empty wallets into the Salvation Army bucket. That's what Andrea would have remembered.
I will share Jesus with the checker at the store.
I will say, your smile is beautiful! To some random person. I will notice others. And I will remember Andrea.
Jesus is the reason for this season.
I am blessed.