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  • thesorensen5

My toolbelt feels lacking....

I hit a milestone last week. I was wondering when it was going to happen.

It was the 3-month date. I switched from tracking time in weeks, to months.

So today, it's 3-months and a week....

That's not a milestone I ever wanted to hit.

I really wanted to climb back into bed yesterday. I just wanted to pull the covers up over my nothing...

I could have. My work, my world would have let me.

But, I couldn't let me.

I know sometimes we just need to let ourselves rest, heal. And sometimes, we've got to push on. I know me. I can't start that cycle. It would be so easy to fall into.

So, I move on. I go into my junior high classroom with some pretty amazing kids. And they love on me. And I love on them.

But they are hurting, and I don't know how to help. We live in a dark world; a world that's confused, a world that's hurting.

And I don't know how to help.

I don't have the tools in my toolbelt to fix this.

I didn't have the tools in my tool belt...I couldn't fix.

So, I struggle today.

How can I be there? What can I do?

Our world says educate, talk, listen....

Sometimes, we do all of that, and yet.....

I don't know how to help.

Lord, give me strength. Give me wisdom. Teach me how to help. Give me the tools today.

I don't have the tools, but I know One who does.

I trust Him. I will lean on Him. Use me Lord.

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